Dont let nature decide where you hunt, theres nothing stopping you with Muddy Pro Climbing Sticks. Straight, crooked, or somewhere in between, the Pro Sticks are designed with four sections that can adjust to the slope of any tree, and attach using a rope cam attachment system. Sturdy, lightweight, and packable, this climbing system has it all. The Pro-X comes feature packed with orange nylon silencers, an aluminum upright design with bark biters that securely attach to any tree, and fold up steps that are cleated for a sturdy non-slip grip. This stand is weighted at merely 2.5 Lbs. per section, and carries a weight rating of up to 300 Lbs. The Pro-X Climbing System packs with several of Muddys fixed position stands, creating the perfect partnerships for the ultimate hunting experience!
Aluminum upright design with orange nylon silencers
Comes with four sections
2.5 lbs per section
Weight rating of 300 lbs
One year warranty
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